Over 90,000 patients have relied on our technology to reduce symptoms and improve cognitive function.

Doctor Reviews
I have had great success ...
“I have had great success using the device to treat severe, chronic insomnia in patients who are resistant to pharmacotherapy. Also, patients who seek a drug-free alternative to treat insomnia have used the Fisher Wallace Stimulator to reduce or eliminate their dependence on drugs.”
— Andres San Martin, MD, PhD Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University
More than 70% find relief...
“Columbia University Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Richard P. Brown says he has used the device with 400 severely depressed patients and that more than 70% find relief, about twice the rate of antidepressants.”
— The Wall Street Journal
What the media says
"But since I couldn't stop talking about my good mood and hypercharged focus, my friends stopped laughing and started asking if they could borrow it. I'm reluctant to let go of my stimulator, however."
"5 Health-Tech Startups to Watch in 2021."
"One of four technologies innovating mental health."
Fisher Wallace is helping the Seattle Police Department to "normalize access to self-care."